
An app that keep you informed and allow you complete neighbourhood tasks right from your mobile!
Connect with Neighbors

Feature Sub Title Here

Connect with your neighbours (who are using CHSONE app) and ask your neighbourhood related queries and informations anytime, anywhere right from your mobile phone.

Place Online Order

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Browse your neighbourhood stores online and place order directly from the app and get things delivered at your doorstep

Browse directory

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Consolidated and ever updating directory of the amenities (stores, restaurants, services, daily needs) offered in your specific neighborhood, easily browsable anytime.

Domestic Help

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Ask neighbour about domestic help, seek opinion, give opinion, employ.

How it Works

Few simple and easy steps to get started!
  • 1

    Create Account

    Create your account with CHSONE by clicking the Register button at the top right corner.

  • 2


    Verify your mobile number or email address to activate your user account and confirm your account creation.

  • 3

    Reach to Neighbours

    Once confirmed, start using your CHSONE app and stay connected with your neighbourhood


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